Studio Policies
THE STUDIO agrees to teach the student, providing agreement from the parent/s of the student (age 16 and under) to the following:
REGISTRATION: New families can make contact by email to schedule a free 30-minute no obligation consultation. During this consultation I will be happy to discuss any questions and/or ideas regarding piano study. I only offer consultations when I have availability in my schedules. New students might be asked to come in and observe some lessons of other students before starting formal lessons. If a student wishes to join the studio but is unable to start straight away, a $70 fee will be charged to reserve the desired lesson time. This fee can be used as lesson credits once the student starts lessons. PIANO: All students are required to have an acoustic piano at home. Keyboards and electric pianos are not acceptable as these have very different touch and sound to an actual piano, and therefore proper technique and musicality cannot be taught if the student does not have a piano to practice on. CANCELLATION: Lessons missed by the student are not made-up or rescheduled by the teacher for any reason; however it is acceptable if students wish to exchange lesson times with each other after notifying the teacher. It is the student’s and /or parents’ responsibility to make the changes. Exceptions: - In the instance the teacher is unavailable to teach a scheduled lesson, that lesson will be made up at the student’s convenience. In the case where student and teacher cannot arrange a time that suits both parties, the lesson will be credited to the following term of study. - In the case of family emergencies (serious illness in family, bereavement etc), lessons will be either made up or credited to next term’s invoice. PAYMENT: Tuition is paid by the school term and is non–refundable and non- negotiable. Payment is due by the first lesson of each school term. When a student enrolls in this studio, the student is reserving weekly lesson time for the term. There are no make-up lessons and there are no refunds. MATERIALS: Beginning students will need a core collection of music books as well as a CD/music player and a note book for the parent. Future supplementary may include books of student’s interests such as a Recital Book, Holiday Book, Repertoire Book and other theory/game books. Parents are responsible for the purchase of these books. LISTENING PROGRAM: Listening well is the secret to success with any musician, regardless of level and age! AT LEAST one hour of listening is required everyday and it is the parent's responsibility to turn on the recording. When a student is listening extensively, rhythmic and note errors are almost non-existent in his or her performance because the brain becomes the teacher for the fingers and arms. Good listeners rarely need to be taught how to play musically as they internalize the musical sounds that they have heard so many times. During the daytime while your child is doing other activities such as playing, eating, doing homework or riding in the car, play the CD your child has been instructed to listen to by the teacher very, very softly in the back ground. Program your CD player to repeatedly play through the entire CD. PRACTICE EXPECTATIONS: I expect parents and children to commit to daily practicing and make progress on all parts of the weekly assignment. Home practice needs to happen at least six days a week. In cases of young children, it is a combined effort of both parent and child. ENVIRONMENT: Make sure that the practice environment is suitable for study. Students need to have daily access to an acoustic piano. The piano should be in tune and be in working order. Piano should be tuned a minimum of once a year. A quiet practice environment is a necessity. PARENTAL SUPPORT: Parent/s or caregivers are required at a child’s lessons but it is important parents do not interrupt the lessons, e.g. comments and phone calls. Parents should take notes and supervise their children’s practice sessions. Older children may need less direct supervision; thus it is possibly more beneficial for the parent to observe lessons and check that all written is completed and that all pieces were adequately practiced each day. SUMMER LESSONS: Summer lessons are available, but not compulsory. LESSON PROTOCOL: Please don’t bring gum, food, drinks or candy into the studio. Arrive in time for restroom use and washing of hands before each lesson. Be certain to enter the studio quietly, remove your shoes, wash your hands and have all materials out (ready to present to the teacher) before each lesson. LESSON TERMINATION: The studio maintains a high standard of piano students and has the right to dismiss a student at any point in time based upon lack of interest or numerous missed lessons. A refund would be made for the remaining lessons of that term. If the student wants to stop lessons, one term notice must be given to the teacher. If student choose to stop before the end of term, no refund will be made. |